Here’s a photo of my awesome new friend, Tyler, holding copies of Cracking the Ice and Offside. Tyler, hope you like both of them!
Upcoming publications
Here’s an update of what’s on the way the next few months. My next Young Adult Historical/Sports novel is scheduled for an October 15 release date. If you likedCracking the Ice, you’ll love this new title. It’s set in 1967, the year before Cracking the Ice, and includes a minor role for that novel’s hero, Jessie Stackhouse. This […]
Interview in the Georgetown Record
Joshua Boyd interviewed me about Cracking the Ice in The Georgetown Record. It’s a substantial one, over a full half page.
Cracking the Ice picks up another great endorsement
My novel Cracking the Ice picked up another great endorsement, this one arriving just in time to make the cover. Lillie Johnson Edwards, Ph.D., Professor of History and African-American Studies at Drew University, gives this rave review. “Cracking the Ice brilliantly teaches about the insidious nature of racism and the heroism of young scholar-athlete, Jessie […]