My ghost story, “She’s No Shimmer,” which appeared several months ago in Fiction River: Haunted, is now available as a single title for just 99 cents. Shimmer, the legendary female impersonator, haunts the Key West cabaret she made famous and the pale imitators who try to fill her stilettos. They inevitably fail, until a new […]
Free short story to all who sign up for my newsletter
Sign up for my newsletter and get a free short story! With a few easy clicks, you’ll be able to read it on virtually any e-book reader or tablet out there, or on your smart phone, or on your computer. It’s a “thank you” for your interest in my writing. I think you’ll like the story. […]
Five new stories to appear in 2018
I’m delighted to announce that I’ve sold four new stories to the Fiction River anthology series and another to Pulphouse, the legendary, award-winning magazine that is being revived after about a twenty-year absence. These stories will appear sometime in 2018. To say that I’m psyched is an understatement of epic proportion.
Novel print prices slashed
Pentucket Publishing has slashed print prices for all my novels. My romance novels, Body Check and No Defense, which are coincidentally my longest works, now list for $13.99. Offside, Cracking the Ice, and Bubba Goes for Broke come in at $12.99. These price reductions were made possible by distribution changes, so the books may not be […]
Cyber Monday is predicted to remain the biggest online shopping event of the year for the foreseeable future. Sales were expected to climb to $16.55 billion in the U.S. and $22.26 billion in the U.K. respectively, said e-commerce analyst John Didion, citing data from Commerce Department data. Specially now that consumers can find a lot […]
For writers: getting out of your comfort zone
Play it safe or get out of your comfort zone? Here’s a two-part essay I wrote on the topic, drawing on my own experiences. Part 1 Part 2
A wonderful day at Lynn English High School
Oh… my… God. What a response at Lynn English High! The school adopted my novel Offside for its summer reading and on Friday, September 30, I spoke at two assemblies (one for Freshmen/Sophomores, the other for Juniors/Seniors). Those kids loved the novel and they loved me coming there to speak to them. It took my breath away. The applause […]
Recommended for high school students
For Lynn English High School students who have read and enjoyed Offside this summer—and really for all potential readers—let me suggest that you also try Cracking the Ice, my other Young Adult novel. It’s also set in the late sixties with some of the action taking place in Lynn, Massachusetts. Cracking the Ice is Jessie Stackhouse’s […]
Lynn English High adopts Offside for summer reading
Lynn English High School (Lynn, Massachusetts) has adopted my novel Offside for its entire student body and staff to read this summer. Needless to say, I’m thrilled. It’s especially gratifying because it all started with positive word of mouth. It certainly didn’t hurt that I’m an alum and most of the book takes place in […]
A New Old Title
Bubba Goes for Broke, my comedy and crime caper first published in 2011, has now been reissued under my name. It originally came out under the pen name David Bawdy because it was being released at the same time as my first young adult title, Cracking the Ice. My editor felt strongly that I needed […]