This one is a howler.
Website statistics
I just looked at my website’s statistics for September. The number one search item that brought people to my site was one word in the title of my short story “Tiffany Gets Her Boobs.” Guess which one. I don’t think I got many bookmarks from that crowd.
“Tiffany” a Kindle Humor bestseller!
“Tiffany Gets Her Boobs” now ranks 13th on the Kindle Free Download bestseller list in the Humor category! (That’s after only about a week of its price being dropped to free.) Written under the pen name David Bawdy, “Tiffany” is a fun, short story prequel to Bubba Goes for Broke and has been very well […]
Bubba Goes for Broke released
Pentucket Publishing has just released my crime caper novel, Bubba Goes for Broke, written under the pen name David Bawdy. It’s available in all electronic formats; a trade paperback will be released in the summer. Since it’s an R-rated novel — you might call it bawdy — I felt compelled to use a pen name to distinguish this book from my […]
Bubba Goes for Broke
I’m really looking forward to WestSide Books publishing my Young Adult novel Cracking the Ice in June. But I’ll be electronically publishing another novel, Bubba Goes for Broke, through Pentucket Publishing in the next couple weeks. A paper version will follow in a few months. To avoid confusion, I’m using the pseudonym David H. Bawdy for Bubba […]
Author Photos: Going with “The Big Goofy”
Some people seem to have been born in front of a camera. In every photograph, they look flawless. Perfect smiles. Hair never out of place. An illustrated dictionary would include a shot of them under the entry for photogenic. Not me. If I adopt a serious pose, I look like a serial killer. And unless I’m flat out […]
Printer Troubles
There are some stories you just shouldn’t print out at work. But, hey, sometimes it’s just too convenient. You’ve gotten a rejection and you don’t want that sad puppy staring you in the face. You want to print it out and drop it by the post office on the way home. At my day job, […]
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