I just got back from a terrific writing workshop on the Oregon Coast run by Dean Wesley Smith and Kris Rusch along with visiting editors Denise Little and John Helfers. I was one of thirty-six professional writers who wrote two stories for prospective anthologies, one in advance and one while there.
I never stepped foot on the gorgeous beach because of the assignments — the story written while there was assigned at 10 p.m. on Thursday night and was due on 10 a.m. Saturday morning despite two Friday classes totaling roughly six hours — and all the reading and the great discussions about the changing new world of publishing.
The discussions continued pretty much non-stop during the two-hour drive back to the airport. Tremendously energizing.
It was great to be around such a talented group and to get insight into both the craft and the business of writing from Kris and Dean, two mentors who have changed my life, and Denise and John, two editors who I greatly respect. Even when there was disagreement on a story — let’s just say that the four of them comprise a rather… opinionated bunch — we all learned.
This morning I’m feeling very tired but very enthused.
It’s great to be a writer.