Every writer hopes to adorn the cover of his book with a glowing quote from another writer, the more prominent and respected the better.
I’ve been collecting these “blurbs” for Cracking the Ice and figure it’s time to start sharing them. So here’s the first one.
Joyce Carol Thomas has a list of awards that makes you shake your head in admiration and say, “Wow!” She’s what writers want to be when they grow up. Since a full list would go on too long, here’s her Top Ten awards and honors.
- The National Book Award
- The American Book Award
- Outstanding Book of the Year, The New York Times
- Outstanding Woman of the 20th Century
- Coretta Scott King Honor Award Book, (three awards)
- Poet Laureate Award, Center for Poets and Writers
- Kirkus Reviews Editors’ Choice
- Best Book for Young Adults, American Library Association
- Teacher’s Choice Award, International Reading Association
- Parents’ Choice Award Winner
Here is what the esteemed Ms. Thomas had to say about my upcoming book.
“I started reading your amazing Cracking the Ice manuscript and could not put it down. Jessie Stackhouse’s generosity, hope, and intelligence touched my heart. Usually I go to bed early; however, I kept reading Cracking the Ice until I turned to the last page.”
I hope all of you have the same reaction when you read it in May.