Passionate Crimes: Mystery, Crime, and Mayhem: Issue 6

Book Cover: Passionate Crimes: Mystery, Crime, and Mayhem: Issue 6
Part of the and Mayhem series:
  • Passionate Crimes: Mystery, Crime, and Mayhem: Issue 6
Part of the Crime series:
  • Passionate Crimes: Mystery, Crime, and Mayhem: Issue 6
Part of the Mystery series:
  • Passionate Crimes: Mystery, Crime, and Mayhem: Issue 6

Adultery. Theft. Even dog-napping. All of these can cause tempers to rise, judgement to snap, and bad things to happen.

Come explore the more criminal side of passion, along with all the feelings that get engendered.

Mystery, Crime, and Mayhem, Issue 6. So Criminal, It's Good.

Includes my story "Gacaca."